Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

seni budaya

2.Peran Nusantara Dance SingleToday, dance is still favored by some people, including a single dance. This is because dance has a role no less important to human needs lainnya.tari used as a hobby, entertainment spectacle and school lessons.
The role of a single dance archipelago less influenced by the geography and characteristics of the owner. characteristics shaped by place of residence or geographic community. people living in gunun, certainly different characters who live on the waterfront. group of big city living, is different from living in the countryside. groups living in the village elite, certainly different from the groups living in the slums. different character of the people who live in the palace with the people who live outside wilayahkeraton.

The role of a single dance can also be classified into three groups, namely motivator, worship, relationships. development of a single dance archipelago in the start of a long process since people know their body functions. the creation of a dance at the thought at the start of the human desire to express aesthetic needs through their gestures. through the long process of finally formed various types of dances with different functions and use.
3.Perkembangan Nusantara Dance Single
The development of dance in Indonesia in line with the development of society. Both are an integral and sustainable and mutually influence each other. The following will discuss the development of dance in Indonesia during prakerajaan, the kingdom, and the pascakerajaan.
1) The Prehistoric
This period is identified with the pre-Hindu or foreign prapengaruh. The worship of ancestors and totemic animals can still be found in some areas as follows:- Irian Jaya.- Inland Borneo.- Inland Sulawesi.- Some areas in Bali called Bali Aga or Bali Mula.- Java.

2) The Empire
The kingdom is marked by the entry of outside influences as foreign elements such as Chinese culture, Hindu-Buddhist, Islamic, and Western. This influence is evident in the hierarchical social stratification and is characterized by a system of social class, the indigenous people and the nobles or of the people or the court.
3) The Pascakerajaan
There pascakerajaan future situation is quite prominent in the arts bnidang caused by changes in the agrarian-feudal society towards the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia or the modern.Kecepatan change is supported also by the electronic mass media, such as television. Inevitable that this period has emerged a new society, that society ueban that may have arisen since the colonial period. However, their presence is less felt its effect on the life of traditional art. If at the pre-royal and the royal dance is part of the world bula

The development of regional dances, especially the single dance has grown older, generally derived from the next captivate the generations that later diselanggarakan community. Both schools through the lessons and the community through various events.

Single dance events can affect human development and life masyarakat.melalui dance, many positive life values ​​that can be taken advantage of human bai, both collectively pribadimaupun. Solo dance is shown as a rich life meaning because mempu mengespresikan feeling of inner feelings in humans

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